The Cooking Circle for special needs is back for the winter. The program runs once every 2 weeks on Monday's, 6:30-8:00 PM.
This Monday, February11th
, is the Challah baking class. Click here to register.
We’ve designed this program to give our special friends a chance to roll up their sleeves and enjoy the kitchen experience with a volunteer.
Each event features a hands-on culinary opportunity, a related craft project or story reading, and some special Jewish tips & recipes for the kitchen.
The Cooking Circle is for children and teens with special needs ages 6 and up, taking place at the home of Mrs. Stephanie Sorkin
, 33 The Oaks, Roslyn NY.
If you would be interested in signing up for this program, volunteer or participate in any form please let us know by emailing
or calling the office at 516-484-3500.
Volunteer poster
Click here for our full color Volunteer Poster - Know someone who may want to volunteer? Hand it to them!