STEP 1: REGISTRATION FORM Registration 2019 is now open! (Please take a moment to read the trip info page it will answer most of your questions regarding this event.) ► PARTCIPANT INFO First Name Last Name Gender Male Female School Attending Address City State NY Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email Date of Birth Allergies Synagogue Affiliation ► PARENT INFO Mom First Name Mom Last name Mom Cell Number Mom Email Dad First Name Dad Last name Dad Cell Number Dad Email ► PERMISSION TO TRAVEL Please let it be known that I, the undersigned, give permission for my child to travel to Washington DC, USA with Rabbi Yaakov Wilansky of CTeen of Roslyn from April 22-24, 2019 Parent Guardian Name Participant Name Date ► ROOMING REQUESTS Rates are based on Rooms which hold 4 guests. You may make up to three rooming requests, of whom you would like to room with. Late applications lessen the chance of us being able to honor your request. We will try our hardest to honor at least one of your requests. Request 1 Email Request 2 Email Request 3 Email ► BILLING INFO Cost price $550 Donate *$0.00 Total *550 I would like to help sponsor a teen who lacks the funds to participate Amount $18.00 $36.00 $54.00 $72.00 $150.00 $250.00 $499.00 - Full Payment Method Cash Cheque Visa Master Card Name on Card Card Number Exp. Date CVC Number Address City State Zip Please email confirmation to the following email address ► FEEDBACK How did you hear about this retreat? Comments/Questions/Blessings STEP 2: CODE OF CONDUCT ► PLEASE READ AND SIGN THIS CODE OF CONDUCT I will DO the following: · Be WITH my group and chaperon at all times unless given explicit permission otherwise · Stay in my HOTEL ROOM after curfew · DRESS respectively and preserve the integrity of the Shabbaton · Behave RESPECTFULLY toward anyone whose way of life differs from mine · Behave as a JEW including observing KOSHER laws and keeping to CTeen’s standards · Contact my chaperon immediately in case of EMERGENCY I will NOT do the following: · Carry or use any WEAPONS including, but not limited to, guns and knives · Behave ILLEGALLY in any way · ABUSE or BULLY anyone in any form · Engage in any form of INTIMATE RELATIONS with anyone · Intentionally DAMAGE or BREAK anything in my host’s home or Shabbaton venues · Endanger the HEALTH, SAFETY, or WELFARE of my fellow Shabbaton participants · SMOKE, buy, or possess cigarettes · Drink, buy, or possess ALCOHOL or DRUGS I have read these rules and understand them fully. I certify that I will adhere to this Code and will conduct myself in a manner reflecting credit upon my peers, my congregation, community and myself. I understand that any violation of this code of conduct may result in my being sent home at my parents' expense. The CTeen Director & Chaperones have the sole discretion to send a participant home. INITIALS OF PARTICIPANT I, the parent/guardian of, a minor, who will be participating in the CTeen of Roslyn's 2019 Washington Retreat, do hereby certify that I have read the Code of Conduct set forth above. I do hereby agree that if my child who has signed the above Rules of Conduct fails to adhere to the Code, then in such event those persons in charge of the program may send my child home at my expense. I understand that The CTeen Director & Chaperon's have the sole discretion to send my child home. INITIALS OF PARENT/GUARDIAN Date STEP 3: DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ► PLEASE READ AND SIGN THIS DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY I have adequate medical coverage and insurance and give my child permission to attend the CTeen's Washington Retreat April 22 - April 24 and we (or I) agree to indemnify Jewish Youth Network, and all its officers, coaches and members for any claim which may hereafter be presented by our (or my) child as a result of any such injuries. Parent Guardian Name Participant Name Date STEP 4: HEALTH | EMERGENCY INFO ► INSURANCE INFO Ohip # Additional Insurance Co. Policy # ► EMERGENCY INFO Name (not a parent) Tel Please provide details for applicable items pertaining to your child. Allergies (Food, drug, insect or substance) Current Medication(s) or Medical Treatment Recent illness, injury or surgery Disability, chronic illness or condition Activity restriction or modification ► STATEMENT AND EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION I (the parent or legal guardian) of the applicant state that he/she is in good/normal health, has no physical or mental handicaps that would interfere with full participation in the program and has my permission to engage in all available activities except as noted under Restrictions or Modifications above. I have been made aware of the fact that the events in which the likeness of my child is participating may be photographed by either amateur or professional photographers, and that the photographs may be used for purposes of reporting on the event, future publications or promotional material use as Jewish Youth Network may determine. It is my understanding that by signing this document I consent to the use of the pictures just referred to for any purpose whatsoever. In case of a medical emergency, accident or health problem where immediate treatment is deemed necessary, every effort will be made to expeditiously contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the participant, or the emergency contact person listed above. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by The CTeen Director & Chaperons, or his/her designee, to hospitalize, secure proper and ongoing treatment and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as named above. I fully agree to assume any financial responsibilities that may result from the aforementioned decision taken by the aforementioned individuals. I am aware that this form may be photocopied for use by medical caregivers. ► SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN Name Date This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.